Steam Condenser of Turbine
Steam Condenser of Turbine Steam condenser is a device in which the exhaust steam from steam turbine is condensed by means of cooling water. The main purpose of a steam condenser in turbine is to maintain a low back pressure on the exhaust side of the steam turbine . After releasing from nozzles, the steam has to expand to a great extent for converting available energy into it to usable mechanical work. So, if the steam after doing its, work, does not get condensed, it will not give required space to other steam behind it, to expand to its required volume. Condensation of steam in a closed system, creates an empty place by reduction of volume of the low pressure steam. It is found that, 1 Kg of dry steam at 1.033 kg/cm 2 absolute pressure has a volume of 1.673 m 3 when it is condensed into water at 100 o C in a steam condenser, its volume becomes 0.001044 m 3 . The volume of steam would be thus 1/1644 parts of the space inside the vessel, and the pressure would fall to 0.2...